Spotlight: Mark of the Ninja

I Liked This Game.
Microsoft Game Studios

Today I'm shifting my spotlight over to a game I've been toying around with for a while and just recently finished. I heard about this game a long ways back but never committed to pick it up. Clearly, that game is Klei Entertainment's Mark of the Ninja, a dark, beautiful platformer that allows us dreamers to be a 20th century ninja

Copped on sale for a dirt-cheap price from Steam, Mark provided 29 hours of buttery smooth gameplay and solid entertainment. It caught me totally off guard and I was swallowed in its modern-ninja badass hack-and-slash goodness immediately.

At its core, stealth is where Mark.... makes its mark. Tight movements, unique gadgets, brutally satisfying sneak takedowns and multiple objectives to achieve in each level made me really slow down to enjoy this game for all its glory. The art design remains B.E.A..utiful throughout. Line of sight and light break your ninja's stealth and stages constantly manipulate them for that reason. Levels boast unique, rich color schemes that deliver a Gotham-esque feel to go with your Batmanny ghost tactics.

Well, that was my bite sized review of an aging game that you should play.
It never hurt my wallet, never stopped being fun, and was a delightful ride. I highly recommend it.

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