Spotlight: The Walking Dead (#2)

I Have No Idea Why You Aren't Playing This


Chances are, that if you are in to Robert Kirkman's spellbinding exposé of human nature with a heaping spoonful of zombies, then you, like myself, are yearning for more. You've exhausted yourself on the graphic novel series as well as the first two seasons of the AMC show and are waiting for Sunday's premier, your messiah has already come, and you're reading this just in time.

Episode four of this incredibly well crafted experience -- Telltale Games', The Walking Dead -- has just come out. I played it, and as my reaction has been with episodes 1-3, I was completely blown away. 

Since episode one, the story has been getting perpetually more charged emotionally, action-wise and in player involvement. I haven't been this immersed in a game since my first play-through of the Mass Effect trilogy, which believe me, is saying something huge. There is no need of controller skill, or still of any kind. The only thing you need to play this game is a brain, and a moral compass. Every decision rides on you, as well as the lasting impacts that come with each one, and they have manifested themselves in every episode.

This is one of the best experiences I've had gaming in the past few years, and you have no excuse to miss it.

Seriously, go do this right now.

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