Spotlight: Fall Gaming Forecast

Fall Gaming Forecast

Ol' Papa Pete tells you the games you need to be jazzed about.


Well, this is it. The last year of our lives is upon us. This is a time we should spend with those we love, tying loose ends, and making amends with parents of freshman we “hung out with” on homecoming. This is everyone’s end-of-life-crisis, and what better way to deal your overbearing depression than to commit alien genocide from the comfort of your home! All of those green strips with numbers on them will be useless in a few months, so feel free to burst that piggy bank of yours all over the GameStop counter.

Halo 4

You played it with your Cheeto infested fingertips at every sleepover for the past decade. It was the first time you heard the word “********”. Your cool uncle plays it on Xbox Live under the name “XxG0NjA-LoRD420xX”. Halo has become a cultural icon over it’s +10 years of existence, and has always been the game you must have if you have an Xbox. I already know you’re gonna get this game. And if you don’t, you’re a ********.

Assassin’s Creed III

If playing predator from treetops, running around scale recreations of 1700s colonies, taking part in major events and talking to people you only heard about in your AP US textbook, and being the Native American Batman doesn't sound cool to you, you should probably rethink your life.

“It’s probably my favorite game series.” - Mr. Longoria, history teacher.

Hitman: Absolution

The ‘bald-headed killer clone’, Agent 47 is back, and more badass than before (if that's even possible). Choking out guards, trying on their funky clothes, and proceeding to hide their lifeless corpses in refrigerators is the name of the game. Hitman games are notorious for being hard as f***, so trial, error, and meticulous planning are the only ways to make it even past the first level. Good luck.


Nintendo plans on showing off their new system, the Wii-U’s to its full extent with the brutally realistic survival-horror thriller, ZombiU. With no pausing, ZombiU aims to create that heart pounding feeling you had the whole way through Paranormal Activity by making all actions (map navigation, inventory, etc.) done on the Wii-U’s new iPad esque controller. Having to look back and forth between the controller and screen while undead hordes surround you is going to create a feeling of urgency that no game has ever tried. The concept is incredibly ambitious, and if it succeeds, this could be the best game of the year.

Far Cry 3

You’re on a Caribbean cruise with your dopey best friend and super hot girlfriend. Life is good. The ship stops on an island, and being the post-college tourist you are, you gotta check it out. You and your pals end up at a local bar, get smazzed, and black out. You arise to a throbbing hangover, a dead best friend, and girlfriend who has just fetched a high price on the black market. Oh, and your cruise ship just headed home. Life is not good. The man responsible, a completely insane warlord/drug runner with a mean mohawk, is currently explaining to you how he will kill you when you give him the ‘ol Zidane and hightail your abandoned ass outta there and into the jungle. Everyone on the island is part of his militia, they very much want you dead, and you just want to go home. This is Far Cry 3. Get hyped.

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