Spotlight: Knights of Pen and Paper

Mobile RPG Justice

Knights is the type of game capable of rejuvenating ones faith in iOS games. The party-based RPG is about "gamers playing a game" as its site will tell you, and has gained an eccentric following ever since its October release. It's pixelated, pop-culture-reference filled, fourth wall-breaking delivery is so clean and confident that it goes without questioning- even when your level four Paris Hilton takes cleaves a dire wolf from Game of Thrones and receives praise from dungeon master, Yoda. It establishes a clinging addiction almost instantly and has enough replay value that 4 playthroughs is not out of the question. It's the type of game that I would've payed $30 for on GameBoy and been completely satisfied- luckily, your privileged ass can get it for $2.

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