Indie Report: Thirty Flights Of Loving

Storytelling Sees A New Light, Confusion Ensues


I don't even know if I'd characterize Blendo Games' (not so) new release, Thirty Flights Of Loving as a a video game. It is a seemingly jumbled, yet masterfully crafted experience; the first of its kind.

The ironic 30 minutes I spent playing this game and it's predecessor, Gravity Bone (also included in the Steam package), were entirely a flurry of confusion. At no time did I have a solidified idea of what I was doing, where I was going, or what the fuck was going on. What makes Thirty Flights Of Loving so unique is that principle exactly. Whereas almost every game I have ever played presents their story straightforward (e.g.: "The Russian nuclear missile bomb is about to blow, Private! Get your ass in there!"), this game cleverly, and carefully alludes to what is happening.

The first time playing, all I gathered was that I was involved in some heist, and that people were getting shot.

I had to play the game three times and look up analyses before I got a real grip on this games incredible story, and to me, that is both exciting, and a freshly welcomed change of pace to the storytelling spectrum.

Thirty Flights Of Loving is available on PC from Steam, and Blendo Games' website.

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