Spotlight: Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut

Some Much Needed Closure
Mass Effect 3's Extended Cut DLC may have not been huge, but sure as hell got the job done.


In case it hasn't occurred to you yet, Mass Effect is one big fucking deal. An intergalactic space opera that you control, spanning three games, over one-hundred hours, full of wonderful characters who have touched the lives of millions. The trilogy's cinematic nature and emotional impact has even made it commonly compared to the likes of Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings.


This March, when Mass Effect 3 was first released to hungry audiences, it was met with mixed responses to say the least. Critics and fans were overjoyed that the game was living up to their expectations with Mass Effect games prior...... but when everyone got to those now legendary moments, the last ten minutes of the game, a steamning crock-pot of shit hit the fan. 

The ending, was an "atrocity", most fans went bat-shit insane, and some even began comparing Casey Hudson to the likes of Hitler.  Forums, Reddit, and Twitter all lit up like the torches of an angry mob, ready to put the heads of EA and BioWare on the tips of their pitchforks. Theories were made: "maybe it isn't as bad as we think!", "maybe BioWare is hiding secrets in the ending!", "maybe it was just Shepard's dream!"; basically whatever would prevent suicide. Luckily, I merely suffered from a few sleepless nights.

In attempt to calm these rabid fans and prevent front-door riots at BioWare HQ, co-founder of the company, Ray Muzyka, released a letter to the public. In it he explained that there would be an Extended cut to the ending coming this summer, that would not change the endings, but rather expand, and build upon the currently written ending.

Many fans were extremely skeptical, but now the Extended Cut has found its way to my Xbox, and with its resonance still fresh in my brain, I feel able to give you my five star opinion on the matter.


There is no perfect way to say goodbye, as our lives have taught us, and there is no perfect story made to date, as they will always have their problems both minor and major. But according to me, BioWare has come out with an extremely acceptable way to put Shepard to rest. 

Initially the ending was far too abrupt, leaving me sitting there wondering what the hell I just witnessed. But now, there is material filling in the blanks as to why Joker left Shepard on Earth, why Starchild is who he is, much more information on the Reapers and their motives, and even tons of closure where the game once ended. 

In my synthesis ending, I was even able to say goodbye to Liara one last time, and attend my own memorial where the whole team saw me off. To be honest, this was honestly enough for me, seeing as extreme man-tears were shed. 

The epilogue (starting after the crew begins to disembark the Normandy) was shown in classic Fallout 3 style; a bunch of stills being narrated over. The stills showed the effects of your choices pretty well. Everyone had the glowing green eyes, showing that the pinnacle of evolution had been reached, and we got to see the rebuilding of civilization. There was even a much needed still of the Quarians and Geth working together to rebuild Rannoch and live in peace. While these stills failed to impress many, they were more than enough of closure for me.

BioWare even added a new ending, in which Shepard shoots Starchild in his bitch-face, and Harbinger's menacing scowl of "SO BE IT" signals the repetition of the cycle. It then concludes with the (implied) death of all organic life, and a hologram left behind by Liara, letting the future know of what is to come.

But god damn, this ending left me feeling much better about the well being of my characters, as well as the universe.... and for that.... a sincere bravo to you, BioWare.

P.S.: A couple months sooner would have been awesome. 


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