Spotlight: A Pre-MW3 Rant

The Gaming World's Love Hate Relationship
Why do we keep buying this game. Really.

And no, I didn't take this picture.

In case you have been living under a house for the past few years like Osama Bin-Laden, there is a first person shooter game that people refer to as Call of Duty. Nearly every kid in the world has played this game (excluding third-world countries), and every November, over twenty million people hand Activision their piggy banks to buy the game's new installment. And like clockwork, a switch is flipped and they f*cking loathe it. But like an addicting drug, the mindless player keeps playing. And playing, and playing, and playing. For instance, a kid in my old Biology class currently has 32 days spent in Black Ops. Yes, I said days. And upon questioning him on his opinion of the game he said "yeah, I hate it". The game is literally heroin. Often people will question their motives for playing the godforsaken crap, I know I do. But with the release of their newest installment, Modern Warfare 3, many players are at the point where they really have do decide whether or not they will purchase the game. Most know it's unwise, and most genuinely like playing it. Me, I know I love the game. And every time I see a trailer for their new release, I nerd all over the place. But I also hate the game, so much, for so many reasons. Its confusing, I know, but the reasons I like the game aren't all that interesting. So I am taking this moment to look back on all my beefs with the multi-billion dollar Monopoly, that is Call of Duty.

1. The Game Itself
People like Call of duty games for a wide variety of reasons, it has awesome multiplayer, its easy to play with friends, and of course its smooth fast paced gameplay. But when the player dedicates literally days of their lives to these games, they realize the plethora of mistakes in the balance of their games. So far in every game they have created, within the first week players realize the things wrong with the game they've bought. Whether its a glitch for infinite helicopters and bomber strikes, or In result of this, players get angry, really angry. All sorts of hell breaks lose. They throw their controllers, yell at their parents, and act like total douchebags. Sure this depends on the type of person you are, but believe me when I say it's frustrating. But what really gets at me, is that the people keep playing. There is something about the game that makes me, and others always come back. Some think its the hope of success, in the high risk high reward game, but no one is really sure.

2. The Community
The Call of Duty community, needless to say is atrocious. A game of Team Deathmatch will likely consist of one middle aged pervert, two little kids talking about how much you "suck balls at the game" and how he is way more "MLG legit than you", at least one kid telling you that he "f*cked your mom", that you're a "fag", and ironically how he'll "rape your face", and lastly, the low-lives. These folk are so desperate for acception in a community that they feel it necessary to talk about the "party" they went to last night, as if this will make them seem 'cool' to the other 5 people on the mike. It's very hard to listen to.  Luckily there is a mute button. But the worst thing about the community is how protective these kids are over their game. As if it's supplying them a steady stream of cocaine, and when it is questioned by anyone, the kids snap. They call out everyone and every other game in existence and spew nonsense about how they're absolute sh*t, or come up with some witty rebuttal like: "yer gay". It's a sickening thing to witness, and all over one equally stupid game.

3. Activision
Activision is the legendary, all powerful producers of Call of Duty. And every damn year, they rush their development teams to release a new game for sixty hard earned American dollars. What everyone notices when they play the game is that, well, they're never too different from each other. They might change the time period, or add some new game modes, but it is always the same game. And guess what, every time they do this they make a billion god damn buckaroos. Aside from them charging admission once a year, they also charge people for map packs. Black Ops released four map packs at $15 a pop, so basically, these fools bought the whole damn game all over again. Coinciding with Modern Warfare 3's release, Activision will be trying out their new social networking/ Call of Duty stat tracking service, Call of Duty: Elite. One might say, "Hey! It was so cool when Battlefield and Halo did this for me and I could see everything about the way I play, free!" Well, sorry to burst your bubble kiddo, but these greedy motherfuckers are charging you for it. And fifty dollars at that.

So long story short, f*ck Call of Duty. And may god help our souls when the game arrives on November 8th. Yet, those few weeks are worth it. And you just read a whole load of hypocriticism. So expect a review soon. Cheers!

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