Review: Mass Effect 2

Saving the Galaxy has Never Taken Longer, but that's a Good Thing. 
Mass Effect 2 is a game of Galactic exploration, incredible writing, and the best virtual characters you will ever meet.

The original Mass Effect was in my opinion the best game of 2007. Although don't take this statement lightly. This is saying a hell of a lot due to this groundbreaking year for the video game industry featuring releases such as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Bioshock and Portal, all personal favorites of mine. Having played Mass Effect a week prior to it's sequel, I essentially took in the Mass Effect games as they are meant to be experienced: as an Outer Space Epic of astronomical proportions. Do not classify this RPG/Shooter with other's you have played (Fallout 3), because this game grabs you with the first scene, and does not let you go until the credits roll.

You are Commander Shepard, The male or female protagonist that the Galaxy needs to repel an impending attack from the alternate dimensional sentient beings called "the Reapers". The game picks up from right where you left off in the first game, but with a surprising twist. You are cruising along space gleefully in your space Ferrari known as the Normandy (as seen in the photo above) with your crew that you came to love in the first game. This is immediately after the events of the first game, so you are basking in glory and fame after just saving a behemoth space station from a preemptive Reaper invasion. Whilst casually returning to your interplanetary duties as a Specter (a protector of all that is good in the universe), you are surprise attacked by a mysterious ship that clearly has the soul intention of bringing an end; to you. In a flurry of explosions and screams, you are cast out into the void of space, quickly running out of your scarce and precious oxygen. Within seconds it is clear that you, the savior of the universe is in fact: deceased.

You soon awake in a medical facility being questioned by a humdrum medical researcher and an attractive mystery woman (whom you can get to "know better" later on, if you so choose). After hearing a bit of dialogue and passing out a few times, the base is attacked. The mystery woman hands you a firearm and you hit the road. Fight sequence ensues. After smashing some alien robots, you are given a moment to chill out with the mystery woman and her colleague. They explain that they work for a shameless corporation called Cerberus, and that you've been dead for 2 years. And that the "Illusive Man" (voiced by Martin Sheen) paid for you to be brought back to life, making you into a cyborg of sorts. A meeting is arranged with this "Illusive Man" and he gives you the scoop.

While Shepard was snoozing for two years, a new threat has arrived, a species called "the Collectors". They are capturing large numbers of humans for an unknown purpose. The Illusive Man explains that he dished out trillions of spacebucks to pry you from the Grim Reapers' clutches, and that you owe him this as a favor. Oh yeah, and that it's a suicide mission. You unwillingly agree, he gives you a new ship, you see an old friend (voiced by Seth Green, of Family Guy, Robot Chicken, etc.) and you are off to get back your retired band of heroes from your past life.

Shepard recruits a plethora of fresh blood, old faces and new. But no character is alike. They are all incredibly unique in appearance, personality, and if you gain their loyalty and get to know them, their pasts. Each squad-mate has an optional "Loyalty mission" that gives insight into their lives before they met you, and while you were gone. They also give some incredibly helpful benefits later on.

The commander chats up the locals
The game is a roller-coaster ride of planetary exploration. Flying from one planet to another is smooth, so smooth in fact that I explored every nook and cranny of the massive world they give you. Here, you carry out optional "away missions" (similar to that of Star Trek) on mysterious planets. Each planet is unique and has gorgeous environments and landscapes. Every away mission has its own unique story and prevents gameplay from becoming stale. This adds on countless hours to your game and doesn't deter from your ability to save the world in time.

The combat plays very similarly to the cover based Gears of War series with a little bit of "The Force" from Star Wars mixed in. I assure you that the special class-based abilities are very fun to use. But at the heart of the Mass Effect series, what makes these games so unique is the decision making process. Especially due to the way they affect the turnout of encounters and situations, future meetings with characters, and your virtual love life. There is a clear path to being the savior of the universe, who will help everyone and anyone, and the essential bad-ass. It is when these to paths collide that make the experience truly memorable.

The series was always meant to be a trilogy, so afterwards you can look forward to seeing Mass Effect 3 on store shelves this March. The decisions you made; who you killed, who you spared, who you slept with, who you chose to walk into this suicide mission, even how you treated the smallest characters will all carry over into the sequel.

Go pick up (preferably Mass Effect 1 first) the game. You will have a great time, I guarantee it.

10 / 10

For further refrence see :
Mass Effect 2 Trailer :



  1. this post was wunderbar!!! I'm gunna buy this game this weekend!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
